Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm not to sure how a blog is suppose to start or if there is even a correct way to start a blog, but I will do my best. I have decided to just write a little bit about myself and why such a blog interests me.
Currently I am a Junior at Iowa State University studying Dietetics. The program is challenging but very interesting. I greatly enjoy learning about food and how the human body metabolizes the food we consume. However, I have not always had such an interest in food. During my high school years, I was not the healthiest person by any means. I didn't understand or care to understand the impact that good nutrition had on my body. But that quickly changed after I graduated. My mom was probably my inspiration in the nutrition world. I saw her diet take a 180 and the impact that had on her life. It greatly encouraged me to also live a healthier lifestyle. That and the rumors of the dreaded "freshman fifteen" that I knew I wanted to overcome. It was then that I decided to try long distance running, which I quickly found out is much different than the sprinting that I was used to.
That summer was interesting. It was very challenging at times trying to motivate myself to run just a little farther every day and it was also challenging to get enough motivation just to get outside and run period. I knew that I had to have something to work for. I couldn't just expect myself to run for no reason, besides becoming healthier. So my mom and I decided to sign up for a 5K. This was enough motivation to keep me going. I sure didn't want to be the last one to finish the race even though someone had to. So I continually worked at it and my mom and I completed our first road race. I felt so good after I finished that race. I was excited that I have fulfilled my goal. Since then, I have continually ran. It has kind of become one of my hobbies. But truthfully, I still struggle with getting motivation to run, but I always feel good after I get done.
As I continually work at trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, I have taken to heart one of the most important things that I have learned here at Iowa State. And that is the importance of cooking meals. I do understand how hard it can be to actually cook meals in the hectic world we live in. However, I have found that cooking not only can improve your health, but is also a good time to just sit down and relax. So in doing this blog, I want to share with you how I have found time in my busy life to exercise and also to prepare my own meals. I hope that you can also learn or take something away from the experiences that I am encountering during this busy time in my life.

Lets work today, for a better tomorrow!